Just like everything else, the plan to become self-sufficient, cook more, and start actually using that gym membership have gone... awry.
Naturally "the great move" will be taking place at one of the least convenient times: Mid-June. One month to figure out how to go from full-time-student back to part-time student while working. This should not be too hard, since that description sums up most of my adult life.
The job hunt is... going. I have decided to avoid the regular 9 to 5 trap so I can keep the volunteering that I have been doing for the last 2 years. Also, in the fall I will have a class that requires a physical presence. This means I need to find odd jobs, a series of them. I have always enjoyed a bit of chaos. We will see how that goes...
Meanwhile, my house is still in shambles. I have begun the process of scrubbing off all the male unit's hand fat from the walls and cabinets. After writing this, the goal will be to attack the closet. I am going to be finally donating the 5 bags of clothing on the floor, and then trying to get rid of another 25% of the clothing in there. hopefully I can make enough space to store my sporting equipment in there again. It's a walk in closet... you would think I would have enough space. It is overrun with multiple colors of the same V-neck shirts. It may be time to update my wardrobe as well.
Now to get on to the organization and cleaning and job hunting and lunch eating.